Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Gay ref

Gotta love soccer...

Napoleon Dynamite

Canned heat in my heels tonight baby!!!!!!!

College Life

Whoa boy, where do i begin?

Think of all those american frat movies you've seen: American Pie, Animal House, Sorority Boys etc

They are absolutely TAME compared to what you can get up to at college.

I live at King's College at the University of Queensland, easily the best in the country. Apart from the obvious (see below) social activities, college is a great way to experience everything Uni has to offer.

A fanatical rivalry exists between the ten colleges at UQ. Competition in both sporting and cultural activities is fierce and performances in both physical pursuits and the arts are celebrated.

Academic pursuits are not left behind in the college environment, with senior students routinely tutoring younger ones free of charge, lending of textbooks and studying together being integral to the success of many uni students.

I'll post a bunch of photos as i get through them all, there are literally thousands to choose from...

Feel free to ask any questions you want about college life or Uni in general,


Mick, out

King's Parties '06

A collection of pics from a few King's parties

National Youth Science Forum '05

The NYSF is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done in my life.

For two weeks over the Chrissy holidays hundreds of senior students get sponsored to live at the University of Canberra colleges and have a fantastic time.

We were shown around some of the best science and engineering facilities available in the country, by people who were still at Uni as well as the boffins. Learned heaps about the way uni works and more importantly, how to keep from melting down before i got there.

Affectionately known as 'geek camp', the experiences I had there and the people i met were probably the most influential in making me who i am. I met some of the coolest people i know and learned how to reconcile my social activities with my smarts.

It can be cool to know stuff!!

PS: The album is MASSIVE

NYSF slide show

Thursday, July 26, 2007

More About Me

I’ve grown up on the coast, in Yamba NSW and Noosa QLD, so I’m a pretty laid back fella. The coast is quite an awesome place to live really, though not much to do except play footy and go to the beach.

I moved to BrisVegas to go to uni which is going sweet, live at King’s college (Wyvern!!). Having an awesome time doing Mining Engineering at UQ.

I worked on a mine over the holidays and got paid bucketloads. I get paid more than my high school teachers to basically blow stuff up, yeh doggy!!

Life Goals? In ten years time, I want to be sitting on the beach sipping mango daiquiris chillaxing with my smoking hot lady friend.

Matter of fact I want that now...