Tuesday, July 31, 2007

National Youth Science Forum '05

The NYSF is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done in my life.

For two weeks over the Chrissy holidays hundreds of senior students get sponsored to live at the University of Canberra colleges and have a fantastic time.

We were shown around some of the best science and engineering facilities available in the country, by people who were still at Uni as well as the boffins. Learned heaps about the way uni works and more importantly, how to keep from melting down before i got there.

Affectionately known as 'geek camp', the experiences I had there and the people i met were probably the most influential in making me who i am. I met some of the coolest people i know and learned how to reconcile my social activities with my smarts.

It can be cool to know stuff!!

PS: The album is MASSIVE

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